Eckland & Blando Launches Dedicated Cannabis Law Group Website

Eckland & Blando LLP is proud to announce the launch of a dedicated website for its cannabis law group,! 

With the passing of HF100 in Minnesota, paired with Eckland & Blando’s extensive experience advising clients that are navigating highly regulated industries, our attorneys are well-equipped to assist cannabis and hemp businesses with any legal issues they confront. Our new website features a suite of legal services available to cannabis and hemp business owners, including compliance, licensing, administrative law appeals, comprehensive contract services, business entity formation, and dispute resolution. In addition, the site will feature a dedicated cannabis law blog, titled “A Pause for the Cause,” which will review and analyze timely legal questions that arise in the ever-developing cannabis regulatory and legal landscape, as well as provide practical tips for developing cannabis companies.

Eckland & Blando’s cannabis law group is prepared to help cannabis businesses cultivate success. Visit to learn more about how the cannabis law group at Eckland & Blando can help your business capture opportunities and achieve success in this fact-growing market.